Slash Stories by Author
Jimalicious Porno
NC-17 Jim/Ed Steve/Ed
Jim is lonely and desires Ed. Ed desires Steve. Solution? Make a porno!
Ariel Thalia
Bow Down
NC-17 Steve/Kevin slash with D/S (Dominance/Submission) theme.
When the rest of the guys are asleep, Kevin and Steve play.
Naked in the Rain
NC-17 Steve/Kevin.
Two Barenaked Ladies naked in the rain. You do the math.
You Were Lonely, I Was Bored
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
NC-17 Steve/Ed some crossdressing
Steve and Ed reveal their feelings for each other and go at it like two rabbits.
Really kinky rabbits. Really kinky rabbits that get interrupted a lot.
Deep Focus 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
NC-17 Steve/Ed and eventually a Steve/Kevin.
Kevin secretly films his two best friends during a tryst in their hotel room and discovers that he has feelings for
one of them.
NC-17 Steve/Ed
After the kids are asleep, Steve and Ed have a little fun.
A Wet and Wild Day
NC-17 Steve/Ed.
Who knew shaving could be so sexy?
What's So Maybe About?
NC-17 Steve/Ed
Steve and Ed doing what they do best; getting Barenaked.
Our Problems 1-3
Parts 4-6
Parts 7-9
Parts 10-12
Parts 13-15
Parts 16-17
NC-17 Steve/Ed love in this story.
First they turn to each other for comfort... then it grows beyond that.
Ashamed of My Attraction
Part Two
Part Three
NC-17 Ed/Kevin
Ed fantasizes about a doot bap buddy, and finds Kevin instead.
Kidnapping Kevin
NC-17 Ed Steve Tyler Jim/Kevin
The band comes up with a sinister idea to torture Kevin.